We took our two cuties on a walk today-with Delaney's new tricycle and Elliot's new car. The best part of Laney's trike is the very long handle that I can use to push her-because let's face it, she can't quite reach the pedals and even if she could, her steering is just a tad bit rusty!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Trikes & Cars
In Other News....
In other news, Delaney begged-pleaded-screamed for me to buy lingerie for her at Target today. I swear she's 2 going on 22! A little disturbing.
We left Elliot with a babysitter for a couple of hours this morning while we took Delaney to a doctor's appointment. When I returned, he smelled like the babysitter's perfume from snuggling with her and I was a little jealous--he's my boyfriend.
Miraculously we have found a DVD that holds Laney's attention for more than 30 seconds. Perhaps I'm a bad mother or maybe I'm just human, but I have been so frustrated that Delaney won't watch any tv; not that I want her glued to the tv, but I could use 20 minutes a day to get things done. And we now have THE Elmo DVD that she absolutely loves-for at least 25 or 30 minutes. As Dave said, this could revolutionize our lives!
Elliot's new word of the day: Baby
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Well, these aren't Christmas pictures, but they're still pretty cute! Our camera is out of batteries and 'we' (I) have misplaced the battery charger--no mother-of-the-year award for me.
We've had a great day. The babies were excited (and a little overwhelmed) to open up presents this morning. We played outside in the freshly fallen snow--how perfect is a white Christmas?! And the babies even took good naps. Now Delaney and Dave are cooking our Christmas feast.
With the kids being sick with croup, it's been an awfully long and difficult week, so today has been extra wonderful-particularly for me. We've been inside all week and the babies (especially Delaney) have had some serious cabin fever. Delaney is challenging on a good day and really has been extremely difficult this week; the tantrums have been rampant and the screaming has almost driven me over the edge a number of times! Dave has been my personal angel-keeping me sane and being totally supportive. Dave also has been sick this week-so I let him go to work, instead of staying home with two cranky and sick babies!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy Hanukah!
Tonite, Delaney and Elliot celebrated their 1/4 Jewishness!Elliot liked his potato latkes, especially the accompanying sour cream. I could look at this little boy's smile forever.
Dave showed Delaney how to make Grandpa Aaron's latkes-with a grater. I can only imagine, but really don't want to, all of the little sick germs that went into these latkes!-Any takers for a latke made by a two year old with croup?
My Big Boy
Elliot is walking, walking, walking. He really doesn't fall too much and is becoming super quick. In fact, he really is bordering on running (not good for me but super cute!). The first video is sideways (oh well-I've given up on pretending that I'll learn how to edit videos!) and Laney is grabbing the camera.
No matter how sick these kids get (and they are sick), they still have these little spells when they act just like their crazy selves! Since we've been getting sick a lot recently, Dave suggested to me that we wash our hands more. Good advice for the average person, but we would probably have to live in a bubble to avoid the coughs and sneezes that are sprayed in our faces-not to mention the little runny noses that our wiped on our sleeves!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sick-Yet Again
Delaney and Elliot are both sick. Since the beginning of November, someone at our house has had a cold. It's so hard when Laney and Elliot are both sick and so needy, but it really, really makes me grateful and thankful that we have two children without any major health problems.
Laney and Elliot watched Elmo shows with their daddy, and danced to Christmas music. Dave is great at entertaining them!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cookies, Cookies!
This past Sunday, Delaney, with a little help from Daddy, was busy baking up a Christmas cookie storm. Elliot and I vacated the house, so Daddy and Laney could bake in peace and quiet. We returned to a very, very 'floury' house, but Laney (and Daddy!) were pretty pleased with the results!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
We bought our Christmas tree this afternoon. Delaney thought that it was hilarious that we put a tree on the roof of our car!
Delaney and Dave had a great time putting up the lights and ornaments. Elliot did his best to take every ornament off of the tree (repeatedly), so we now have a tree that is 2/3 decorated!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Date Night
Maybe not the most traditional of date nights---but, tonight Dave took his little girl to see a local production of Seussical. Apparently, it wasn't Broadway (surprise!) but was thoroughly enjoyable and very entertaining. Delaney sat through the entire show and loved every second!
After the show Dave and Delaney headed to McDonald's for dinner-she's a pretty cheap date. Delaney always likes the idea of McDonald's much more than she likes the food; she shunned her Happy Meal and when she arrived home, ate a plateful of peas and tortellini (that's my girl!).
I, on the other hand, had a date with my little guy. We stayed at home and played trucks (his pick) and caught up on our celebrity gossip by reading US Weekly (my choice). I had wine with dinner; he had milk. We listened to the Indigo Girls (my pick) and danced the night away (his choice).
The above (sideways & blurry) video shows Elliot toddling around the house.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Today was a particularly not fun day; I have (another) nasty cold, Delaney and Elliot woke up from their naps soooo cranky, and it's Friday, so I'm more than a little burned out. So, I did what any mother of two small children would do to get through the day....
I bribed them with lollipops and gummi bears-repeatedly. I would NEVER have given Delaney a lollipop when she was 12 months old, but I guess Elliot benefits from being the second child-I have no choice (except to have him flip out for half an hour-which really wasn't an option for me today) but to give him a lollipop if I'm giving one to Delaney.
And the afternoon seemed just a tad bit more sweet!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Partners In Crime
Well, it has taken 12 months, but Delaney & Elliot are becoming little buddies. They pal around the house together, playing with toys and chasing each other up and down the hallway and in and out of every room. They absolutely love to play under the kitchen table with a bunch of their toys.
And Delaney has started to become quite protective of her little brother. When we're at a play date, Delaney makes sure that no one takes any of Elliot's toys (after all, that's her job!), and that everyone knows that he's 'her baby'. It's adorable and so sweet; I could live off of these little memories forever!
They certainly have their brawls and there are days, when I feel that they literally fight every single minute of every agonizing hour, but there's no doubt about it, they're also buddies.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Delaney really has been into art lately-she loves to draw, color and scribble, and will sit to do any type of craft that I can think of!
Of course, Elliot wants to do whatever Delaney is doing, so today, I put him right up to the table with Delaney, giving him a few crayons and markers. He was in heaven, eating about 1 1/2 crayons, chewing on markers, ripping up paper and throwing everything on the floor about a hundred times; Delaney was absolutely appalled and kept saying-'No, Ellie, don't do that, don't chew, no, no, no'!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Elliot Starts To Walk!
I've always been a little unclear about the famous 'milestones'. Like-does dragging himself across the floor qualify as crawling? And, what exactly does walking mean?-the first tentative step or two or when he can walk across the room?
Well, tonight, Elliot walked almost across the room and walked back and forth between Dave and myself---so, that's at least 'starting to walk', right?? He took his first step or two a couple of weeks ago and then three and then four steps a couple of days ago, but tonight was the first time that he started to toddle around. What a big boy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tree Lighting
I bundled up the babies and met Dave in town to watch the Christmas tree lighting in front of the capitol building. Despite Dave's best efforts, I bought the babies matching monkey hats and mittens-they're just too cute and I know that they'll only go along with matching accessories for so long! We arrived just in time for the countdown for the tree lighting; there were decorations and lights, and local children's choruses sang Christmas carols.
I love these small town events-they're so much fun for the kids (and us!), and there's really no hassle--everything is so close, there's no traffic and there's always accessible parking. And more often than not, we run into acquaintances and friends.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
One Year Stats
Elliot had his one year old well baby visit today. It made me a little sad-my baby is getting so big! He's a definite one year old-waving, clapping, imitating, saying his first words, starting to throw little fits when he doesn't get his way and getting into EVERYTHING. He's figuring out how to torture his sister and certainly doesn't back down to her. He's precious.
And, for the grandparents (and Jodi!), here are his one year stats:
Weight: 19.06 lbs (5%)
Length: 29 inches (25%)
He's a handsome little peanut. But he seems so big to us-he's 3 lbs bigger than Delaney was at one year. Delaney wasn't 19 lbs until she was 21 months. However, and I can't believe that I'm putting this in writing, but I swear that Delaney has had a little growth spurt--Her 18 month clothing fits perfectly now, and I think that she'll be in a 2T soon.
Monday, December 1, 2008
We had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. Dave and Laney started on the stuffing right after breakfast, and it was a definite favorite at dinner. Laney is a great liitle cook and follows directions really well.
Delaney is a little verbal sponge right now-soaking up tons of words and all sorts of phrases. Her favorite right now is-'Ellie-don't do that, don't do that, no, no, no'. She very definitively knows what she thinks is 'yummy' and 'ooh, yucky', and lets everyone know it! Yesterday she was 'chatting' on her phone, telling 'Gramma' all about how Elliot pulls her hair. It's adorable.
While we were visiting family, Laney, Elliot and I were sick for-oh, about 2 1/2 weeks of our 3 1/2 week trip. However, Grandma B and Pepah took good care of us, and in a way, it was easier to be sick away from home than it is when I'm at home by myself with the babies. By Thanksgiving Day, we were all (finally) feeling a lot better.
Delaney and Elliot had a great time playing with their cousins. It was really cute-Delaney tagged along with Hannah and Andrew and would have followed them anywhere. Andrew read books to Laney, and Hannah played 'horsey' with her. Andrew and Hannah were so sweet to Laney and Elliot.
Since we live so far away, we rarely are able to celebrate holidays with our families, so we very much appreciated and were grateful to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with Lynde, Sang, Sang's cousin Dorrey, Julie, Chuck, Hannah, Andrew and Ken and Terry, and Grandma and Pepah.
Dave and I certainly can get caught up in all of the daily hassles of life-fussy babies, too many bills, too little sleep.... But we are so grateful for our lives-our babies are happy and healthy, Dave has a good job and we have so many wonderful friends and family. We are very, very lucky.
And we're so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country. I was so glad to see the wide open skies and feel all of that sunshine when we arrived 'home' yesterday!