The weather was particularly not-nice during Grandma Mimi and Gramps' visit, so everyone spent a fair amount of time playing inside, cooking and reading books. Delaney LOVES to be read to; Elliot LOVES to bring you books but by the time he has turned a page or two, he's up and walking around, finding more books to bring to you. He can sit still for about three seconds-on a good day.
I for one always like it when we have company when the weather is crummy--it's extra fun entertainment for the kids on what would be really long days for me.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Reading & Snuggles
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fun With Grandma Mimi and Gramps
Thank goodness Grandma Mimi and Gramps have come for a visit; since all of our family lives far away, we truly appreciate any and all help when we get it. With Grandma Mimi and Gramps in town, Dave and I not only get a break but Laney and Elliot have new sources of entertainment (who are much more fun and more permissive than mommy and daddy).Delaney helped Grandma Mimi make dinner, peeling carrots while taking a bite or two.
After dinner, the kids danced the night away with Grandma Mimi and Gramps. They (Grandma Mimi and Gramps, of course) were a little worn out but were pretty much able to keep up with two toddlers-no minor accomplishment!
In Other News....
Delaney is talking up a storm, saying all sorts of cute things--appropriate and not-so-appropriate. This morning, at too early of an hour, the little sunshine informed me, 'Mommy not boss, Dean (she calls herself Dean) boss, Dean make rules'. What a sweetie....
Elliot can now throw his own diapers in the trash. The chore-list has begun! However, he also throws anything and everything else in the trash---toys, clothes, shoes, and possibly our TV remote-which we haven't been able to find for nearly a week.
Elliot wants to do absolutely everything that Laney does. Some days, he reminds me of a little puppy, following her around. If Delaney's done eating lunch, then Elliot wants down from his high chair too. If Laney is going somewhere, he better be going too, or he'll stand at the front door, pounding on it and yelling!-It's the saddest sight.
Delaney thinks that Dave works in his car all day and comes home to take a nap everyday. Of course, I reinforce this by telling her that EVERYONE takes naps--mommy, daddy, Penny, Clancey, Aunt Lynde, Mat and Lexi....... But I didn't actually think that she thought that Dave took a nap at home until Laney peeked in our bedroom (after naptime) and said 'Oh, Daddy not here, Daddy woke up'.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another Sunday At Tahoe
The weather has been beautiful the past week-we've been so lucky, spending almost every day at the park. And today, we headed up to Tahoe to enjoy the sunshine.
We found a little cove to play in-with lots of rocks to climb on and soft sand to dig in.
The kids were pretty much in heaven and got lots and lots of fresh air.
We watched scuba divers-it was really neat, but come on, who on earth would really want to go into that frigid water in January??--Definitely not for me!
Friday, January 16, 2009
New Chair
This is Delaney's new teddy bear chair. She loves it. The idea behind the chair was to give her a specific place to turn to when she's having a meltdown-somewhere cozy and safe. Everyone needs a place to fall apart, right? We'll see.... But regardless, she loves her new chair; she loves to 'read' books in her chair, snuggle with her dollies and stuffed animals and watch her Elmo video.
I also bought Elliot the exact same chair, so they would each have their own chair and wouldn't fight over one chair. Good in theory. Delaney often has other ideas for Elliot's chair-apparently, it's just the perfect chair for her dollies!
By the way, look at how Delaney is sitting in the chair--this little girl has the most perfect posture and always looks so prim and proper (looks can be deceiving!).
Thursday, January 15, 2009
And This Is The Difference
Between Elliot
And Delaney
Elliot dives right into his food-and everything else-making an absolute mess and having a blast, rubbing hummus in his hair and shirt, putting crackers on his head while laughing hysterically and throwing crumbs to Penny. Delaney, on the other hand, insists that we place each piece of food on a particular place on her tray; she nibbles, rearranges her food, asks me to 'fix' her sandwich if the ham or cheese overlap the bread-she absolutely loves it when everything is in its correct 'order'-and tells Elliot to stop throwing food to Penny.
Is it boy / girl differences? Oldest child / younger child differences? Maybe a little of both, but more than anything, they are just the differences between my Laney and my Elliot. They are like night and day in so many ways, but then they're both so drawn to each other. Before I had Elliot, I read in a parenting book that siblings less than 18 months apart are more 'unequal twins' than siblings; I totally understand what this means now!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Little Boy
We spent the morning at Lake Tahoe-it was absolutely beautiful. The kids played in the sand and we even took a little 'hike'. It was a perfect morning.
Elliot was a little frustrated walking on the sand---makes it much harder to keep up with Delaney. Sometimes my heart hurts for him a little bit-he tries so desperately to keep up with his big sister. When Elliot wakes up from his nap before Delaney, he runs over to her bedroom door and starts banging on it! He so wants her attention all of the time. It's sweet but also so vulnerable. And Laney can be a great big sister, and then a not-so-great big sister, and Elliot gets so frustrated with her when she doesn't want to play. He'll gladly play / do whatever Laney wants to do-he doesn't care as long as she's playing with him!
We try very hard to give both of our children individualized attention. But let's face it, Delaney is much more demanding than Elliot (at least at this point), and I worry that Elliot gets 'lost' some days. So-when we have the opportunity, I spend special time with my little boy. And Elliot was my buddy today at the beach. We had a great time, playing in the sand, picking up sticks and climbing on rocks. He's my boyfriend!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Messy Hair
Here's a picture of Delaney-sleepy eyes and 'messy, messy hair' (in Delaney's own words). This little girl can have some serious bedhead. Laney's gymnastic's teacher calls her 'dandelion'-her hair is so blonde and always poofy from jumping on the trampoline and rolling on the mats!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Delaney has become quite the snuggler. After we put Elliot to bed at night, Laney and I snuggle for about 15 minutes before she goes to bed; it's certainly one of my favorite times of day and makes me forget about all of the whining and screaming! Laney continues to be quite the 'spirited' little girl, but her tantrums have become much, much shorter in duration and Dave and I have both found that we can sit her down and talk to her. Perhaps the worst is over?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Today was a beautiful day. At least 'beautiful' by my lowered winter standards-in the 50s, sunny and no wind. So-we headed outside this morning after Laugh 'N Learn and played in our backyard for about 1 1/2 hours.
It was wonderful; the kids played in the dirt-we even converted our summer 'water table' to a winter 'dirt-and-leaves' table-and the kids got as filthy as kids should get!
I swear that my little kids need just as much time in the sunshine and fresh air as all the other wild little creatures!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
First Haircuts
What better way to ring in the New Year than with new haircuts! Delaney and Elliot got their very first haircuts today. They were wonderful-Elliot sat on my lap and Delaney sat in a chair like a big girl. I couldn't believe how still Elliot sat-he was an angel. The hairdressers were super friendly and great with the kids.
Elliot got his hair 'trimmed', and if you ask his daddy, there's still a little too much 'party in the back', but I think that he looks like an adorable little boy-no more baby.
Delaney got her hair cut about two inches-it looks beautiful and so even. She really looks like a little girl.
It's official-my babies are growing up!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A Winter's Day
My parents came into town this week for a visit--it's pretty much my view of heaven--my kitchen is clean, laundry is miraculously washed, dried and folded and my babies are happier and more compliant than ever!
My mom and I went out to breakfast this morning and then to a movie. It has been sooo long since I've seen a movie! Dave and Pepah bundled up the kids and took them up to Lake Tahoe.
They played on the beach at Sand Harbor-our favorite summer beach. Delaney and Elliot explored the area and apparently, Elliot ate more than his share of sand.
What a wonderful way to spend the first and beautiful day of the New Year.
On the way home, Delaney and Elliot laughed back and forth in the car and held hands!