We live in a pretty small house, yet Delaney and Elliot follow me around everywhere. Even if I'm doing dishes in the kitchen and they can see me from the family room, that's not good enough for them-they always want to be right next to me-like on top of me.
This morning, like most mornings, they packed up their toys and whatever else they were doing in the family room and planted themselves right next to the kitchen sink where I was doing dishes. They remind me of little ducks following their mama!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Little Ducks
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It's A Girl????
At our 13-week ultrasound, we were told that we are having a little boy. She seemed pretty sure of herself and said that if the baby was a girl that we better let her know!
Now, at our 20-week ultrasound, we were told (by a different woman) that we're definitely having a little girl.
What in the world????
And then our doctor looked at the pictures (from the 20-week ultrasound) and told us that it definitely looked like a girl 'from this data', but that ultrasounds aren't always correct. And then he told us that 13-weeks is really too early to be sure about the sex and that the 2nd trimester ultrasound is much more accurate. But then he told us that the 'handful' of ultrasounds that are wrong are usually little boys that are just hiding their 'business'. And then he told us that he would tell us if the baby was a girl or boy in about 20 weeks. And then he told us that a group of midwives did a study and found that the best predictor of sex was the mother's dreams. What???--I can't even remember my dreams from a week ago, much less from before we thought the baby was a little boy!
And of course, if there's one thing that they're going to get wrong with the ultrasound, please let it be the sex. Thankfully, the baby looked 'perfect'---but now, I don't really trust the ultrasound for anything!
We could get another ultrasound, but I feel like that would just confuse me even more, so maybe we'll just find out the baby's sex the old fashioned way--wait and see what happens in September!
Dave and I already had a knife fight re a little boy's name. I guess that we should move onto the next battle--a little girl's name.
Monday, April 27, 2009
And We're Home
Dave and I and the kids left Grandma B and Pepah's house and headed to the airport early yesterday--like really early--all of us were up by 5:45 AM. I was worried about traveling with a sick Elliot and tempermental Delaney. Traveling with two toddlers is just really, really not fun.
The trip started off a little rocky-Delaney refused to take off her shoes and sweatshirt at the security checkpoint and was adamant that doll-doll (name of her favorite doll) NOT go through the x-ray machine. Great. We got past that hurtle and were on our way to Chicago and then to Reno.
Elliot was really cranky and Delaney had a pretty serious meltdown while we were boarding the plane in Chicago---three different couples sat in front of us, then turned around (at her screams), whispered to each other and then found different seats! Being a parent of a toddler is totally humbling.
Laney pulled herself together and fell asleep for about 40 minutes. Elliot calmed down and snoozed for about 30 minutes. At this point, I was seriously worried, we still had a long flight in front of us and two very tired kids. However, the trip really turned around and both Elliot and Laney did great for the duration of the flight--Delaney watched Clifford on her DVD player and Elliot squirmed and wiggled his way around while Daddy acted more or less like a circus clown to keep him entertained.
Dave and I were so relieved when we got to Reno, found our suitcase and then our car. And then---Delaney said---Mommy, I need to cough. I turned my head around and she started vomiting. It wasn't pretty. At all. It was a pretty brutal drive home and all that I could think of was the four of us coming down with the stomach flu.
But after the car ride home, Delaney rebounded and has seemed pretty much normal. Perhaps, we lucked out this time and it was just a fluke?
Yes, we're exhausted today. The kids went to bed after 7 PM and Delaney had already finished her breakfast by 5 AM, but I'm just so relieved that Elliot is on the mend and that Delaney is okay. And it's always nice to get away and spend time with my family, and it's always nice to come home.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Aunt Lynde and Uncle Sang drove up from Richmond to spend the weekend with us. They brought goodies for the kids and new energy to entertain Delaney! Delaney loves new people and new experiences, so she was in heaven. She played stickers with Lynde and latched on to Sang's hand on a walk to the pond. And I was thrilled to spend time with my little sister! My mom, Lynde and I even got away for lunch-it was wonderful.
The Sickies
This little boy never got over his cold and woke up with a fever this morning. He's been pretty cranky the last couple of days, but I didn't know if his teeth were bothering him or if he was still feeling crummy. Since he had a fever this morning, my mom and I headed to urgent care, where the PA told us that 'from what she could see' his right ear was infected. Sounded like she was a bit iffy, but better to err on the side of caution (especially with our flights tomorrow!). Poor little guy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Playing At Preschool
The kids and I have spent a few mornings at my mom's preschool. It's pretty much the perfect place for them--lots of new toys, 'big' kids and plenty of busyness. Delaney is very attentive at preschool during circle time and the structured activities; she loves to learn--let's hope this lasts into her own preschool career!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pittsburgh Aviary
Delaney was totally enthralled with the birds and the educational presentations. She 'fed' tropical birds live worms and grapes-instead of holding the worms above her head, she more or less squealed and threw the worms to the ground. But who can blame her? Elliot also 'fed' the birds a worm (he followed Laney's throw-it-on-the-floor tactic), but my mom and I were genuinely concerned that he was going to try to eat the worm, so we were pretty relieved!
An aviary hospital worker brought out a duck to show the kids--Elliot LOVES ducks and kept smiling, pointing and saying--Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck.... When the worker asked Elliot what sound a duck makes, he shouted--BAAA, BAAA, BAAA! It was hilarious.
Delaney and my mom fed lories nectar-I wish that I could've taken some pictures of this-it was absolutely beautiful-but I was too busy chasing Elliot, preventing him from destroying the bushes, climbing onto the rocks and playing in undetermined muck on the floor.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cooking with Grandma B
Delaney rolled out of bed, gobbled down a waffle and then hit the kitchen with Grandma B, cooking a lemon cake-which I've been craving for like 5 months. It was delicious!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Pittsburgh Zoo
It was another beautiful day, so Grandma B and I packed up the kids (and all of their accompanying 'stuff') and headed to the zoo. It was a wonderful day-the kids were angels, the sun was shining and the exhibits were great.
When seeing the zebras, Laney said-Mommy, the zebras have stripes, just like me (or her shirt!)!!! Laney was really interested in watching the animals.
Elliot held up great and was a real trooper-we spent about 4 hours at the zoo, and that's a really long time for a little boy--especially a little boy who has a cold and is cutting his molars.
Between carrying the kids, holding onto little hands, trying to keep track of two excited toddlers, pushing the double stroller and hauling the very-heavy-backpack, my mom and I were completely and totally exhausted when we got home. The kids only napped for short while in the car, so it was a bit of a rough evening but well worth it!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Hiking With Pepah
Today was an absolutely beautiful day, so Pepah and I took the kids to the park and then on a little 'hike' (I use this word loosely!) down to a pond. You can't beat spring days like this.
In Other News....
Delaney and Elliot are settling in at Grandma B and Pepah's house. Except for Pepah, we all have little colds--I swear anytime my children get within 50 feet of an airport, they get cold.
Delaney has been a handful this week; I take this as a sign that she feels quite at home here. She's been fairly difficult and at times ridiculously uncooperative-and then just when we're about ready to go insane, she'll be absolutely charming and wonderful. Grandma B and Laney had a standoff last nite-a serious test of wills-Grandma B won but it wasn't pretty! I think that Grandma B is more than impressed with little Laney's willpower (and screaming power!).
Elliot has been Grandma B's boyfriend-wanting her to hold his hand, carry him and giving her lots of kisses.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bathtime at Grandma's House
These two little bodies are just too cute!
Delaney has been really enjoying bathtime lately. She practices her 'swimming' and pretends that she is swimming to the store, the park and her friends' houses.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Catching Up
My mom came into town last Sunday. We really have enjoyed living in Northern Nevada and certainly have met a lot of great people, but nothing and no one can replace my mom. I really look forward to and enjoy her visits. When it's time for her to leave, I always start bugging her about when she's going to visit next. We had a really nice week with my mom--the weather cooperated for part of the time and we went to a bunch of parks and my mom got to see the kids' playgroup and gymnastics class. I had a lot of help and wonderful company and the kids had lots of snuggles and a personal playmate.
On Sunday, my mom, the kids and I headed to Pittsburgh. It's a long, long trip. A 45 minute drive to the Reno airport, a one hour flight to Vegas, a two hour layover in Vegas, a 4 hour 20 minute flight to Pittsburgh and then a 40 minute drive to my parents' house. Our day started at 5 AM-Nevada time-and we arrived at Grandma and Pepah's house at about 7 PM-Pittsburgh time. Overall, the trip went really well--nothing unexpected occurred-no vomiting, no flight delays, no tantrums, but it's still a long, long trip. Both Delaney and Elliot napped for about an hour--which actually is really good for them-they often don't even blink on the plane. Laney sat in her seat like a big girl, and Elliot squirmed his way back and forth between my mom and I. Little kids just aren't made to sit still-especially Elliot. And we were SOOOOO glad to see my dad waiting for us at the Pittsburgh airport.
Laney and Elliot are gradually settling in and getting used to the 3 hour time difference. Delaney is shocked that there are birds at Grandma and Pepah's house---just like at home--and that Grandma and Pepah have trees inside (a small grapefruit tree-but it must be big to her). A toddler's world really is very small! She was a little scared to sleep in her 'new' room but I explained to her that she was sleeping in mommy's old room and gave her a few of my old stuffed animals and that seemed to help a bit.
Elliot's been a trooper but is exhausted and had a tough time going to bed tonite. He learned how to do somersaults today--as Delaney would say-all by himself. He's pretty pleased with himself. He's tries to say 'Grandma' and calls my dad 'Pop'.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Big 3-0!
Yup, Dave turned the big 30 today. It doesn't sound so bad to me, but I guess that I wouldn't know since I'm only 29. We celebrated with cupcakes, presents and then Dave and I went out to a wine bar--no wine for me, but the live music was good and it really was nice to be somewhere 'adult'.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
This Is What Life Would Be Like......
.... If we had two sets of twins! I watched my friend's children today for 5 hours---her little girl is one month younger than Delaney and her little boy is three months younger than Elliot. I was a little nervous about the day, but everything went really well and it actually was a lot of fun. Chaotic?--Yes, but not out of control and the kids kind of ran around like a little tribe! I think that it made Dave a little nervous that I thoroughly enjoyed watching 4 little ones
In Other News.....
The kids and I survived five days without Dave. Everyone was healthy and everything went really well. It was tiring and I really missed Dave's companionship, but Dave was exactly where he should have been-with his family on Long Island.
A couple of days ago, I read Delaney The Velveteen Rabbit before naptime. She woke up crying, and when I went to get her out of bed, she told me that a scary bunny had been singing scary songs! This was the first time that she really articulated a 'bad' dream to me. We've spent the last couple of days assuring Delaney that bunnies are nice---not a good time to be scared of bunnies, rabbits are everywhere right now.
Elliot has been our little sunshine. He wakes up with a big smile on his face and pretty much giggles and smiles his way through the day. He has his fits-for like 10 minutes-and definitely lets us know what he wants, but in general, he's so even tempered.
After Delaney's friends left yesterday, she kept on telling me--Mommy, I want my friends to come back. Mommy, I want to play with my friends. A glimpse into the future, I suppose, and I was a little jealous.