We had a great Halloween--the kids loved trick-or-treating. Laney, who loves stimulation, was in heaven with all of the scary decorations and commotion; she was totally in her element. Elliot, on the other hand, was a little hesitant at times and would say--'Don't like it, don't like it!'--while pointing at a 'scary house'. They both were totally in awe of all of the candy that they received. Laney has been periodically throwing herself on the floor, begging / pleading / negotiating for more candy. It's ridiculous.Louisa was a cow by day and a bear cub by night!
We also went to the Nevada Day parade. We showed up right before the parade started but saw some of our friends who had staked out good seats hours before---so we mooched off of them! The kids loved the parade---and lasted for a full 2 1/2 hours-which is pretty amazing if I do say so myself. Once again, Laney was in her element and sat right along the curb, cheering, while Elliot would hang out with the 'big kids' for awhile and then periodically check back with me.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
More Halloween Pics
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Lion, The Cow And The Piggie
Literally since I found out that I was pregnant with Louisa, I had been planning to dress the three kids up as little skunks for Halloween. Three little stinkers--What's cuter than that?
Of course, I failed to recognize that Laney would have her own opinion about dressing up for Halloween. And of course she did. A very strong opinion. She wanted to be a 'piggie' (odd choice given the panic over the swine flu, huh?). And once she's made it up, there's no changing Laney's mind----so, we have a piggie, a lion and a cow. And they're pretty cute! Elliot walked around the house in his lion costume, saying 'quack, quack, quack' for a good week before he started roaring!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Carving Pumpkins
We carved pumpkins (or rather one pumpkin---no need to be too ambitious with three little ones!) tonite after dinner. Delaney and Elliot drew the face on the pumpkin and then Daddy carved it (with a little help). Elliot had limited patience with the pumpkin carving process and soon became much more interested in his cars and trucks---no surprise. Delaney LOVED the pumpkin carving process and was totally enthralled---no surprise--Delaney loves anything and everything artsy-craftsy!
Because She's Too Cute
While the 'big kids' carved pumpkins, Louisa looked on-as sweet as can be.
She's scrumptious. Too sweet for words.
It's no secret that I love babies--there's nothing better in the world than snuggling with a warm little baby. I swear I could have ten more babies---but I really don't know if I could handle any more stubborn sassy toddlers. And teenagers....I can't even go there!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Harvest Festival
Preschool has become a raging success at our house. After just a few weeks of crying, screaming, pleading not to go to school (while Elliot threw himself at the front door, begging to go to school), Delaney has decided that she loves school. Thank God.
This weekend Laney's preschool had a Harvest Festival. Delaney and Elliot loved it---lots of preschoolers, crafts and treats-perfect for two and three year olds! Laney saw a few of her preschool buddies and Elliot was happy as a clam to be able to go to Laney's school for the afternoon!
Dress Up
Delaney and Elliot like to play dress-up---especially Delaney, who likes to dress up Elliot as Snow White and then call him 'her prince'! Grandma Mimi and Gramps brought back some great colorful little outfits from Turkey, including a belly dancer ensemble for Delaney. I think that Elliot was relieved finally to be wearing a little boy dress up outfit!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Playing With Louisa
Delaney and Elliot have been great with Baby Louisa. Elliot always wants to hold her and Delaney reads books to her and likes to lay down next to her. Of course, Elliot can be a little rough with her but it's all out of love! At the park, they'll tell Louisa to hold their drinks and plop their sippy-cups down in her lap while they run off to play. They even include her when playing--I'll often turn around for a minute only to discover that Louisa is covered in toys that they are 'sharing' with her.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Corley Ranch
We went to Corley Ranch for the afternoon. It was another beautiful day---warm and cloudless! Delaney and Elliot had a great time, running through the hay maze, riding in the 'train', checking out the animals and searching for the 'perfect' pumpkins--Laney was quite particular...Elliot-not so much. However, both Laney and Elliot insisted on carrying their own pumpkins---even if it took us all day to walk to the car-which it practically did! They are two fiercely independent toddlers.
Louisa was snug as a bug in the front carrier. She's the sweetest little baby and I could just eat her up! I love snuggling with her and feeling her warm breath on my cheek while she holds onto my finger. I can't believe that she's only been a part of our family for 5 1/2 weeks---I feel like she's been a part of us forever.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Naked Boy
Elliot has been quite the two year old little boy for some time now. Lately, everytime that we get him dressed, he keeps taking off his pants-repeatedly-again, again, and again. At first, it's kind of funny-then it gets really, really old. This morning Dave was trying to get the 'big' kids out of the door and Elliot literally took off his pants 25 times.
On Friday, Elliot kept pulling his pants down, and I quickly tired of pulling them back up, so I decided to see what he would do..... He ran around for a good hour with his pants around his ankles-like it was the most normal thing in the world. My crazy little boy.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Taylor Creek
Laney had a fever last night but woke up fever-free and just with a cold, so we headed up to Taylor Creek to see the salmon run. It was a beautiful fall day, and besides Louisa peeing all over the front seat of our car (during a diaper change), Elliot pelting our van with rocks in the parking lot and the usual chaos that comes with having three very young children, the trip was flawless!
We went on a little hike ('hike' used very loosely here!) and saw gorgeous fish and amazing scenery---Tahoe never gets old. On our way home, we stopped at the Heavenly Village (where Dave and I stayed this summer) for some ice cream from the Cold Stone Creamery (another place that never gets old!). A wonderful, wonderful day.
Friday, October 9, 2009
One Month
How can it possibly be that my baby girl is one month old? -It's been a blur of days chasing toddlers and nights snuggling with this sweet, precious baby. And I wouldn't trade one day of the past month for sleep.
It took Louisa over three weeks to regain her birthweight--not exactly the best start (and causing me lots of worry), but she's rebounding well.
We love Louisa to pieces. It feels like she was just born yesterday, but that she has been a part of our family forever. She's super sweet and very mild (we'll see if this lasts!-Dave and I doubt that we could produce a mild, mellow baby!). She has big dark eyes and is just starting to smile. I could hold this little girl forever.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Apple Pickin'
Now that we've lived in Carson City for over a year, we're starting to develop our very own little traditions---and certainly, one of them has been visiting the Apple Basket in Washoe Valley to pick apples.
Louisa snoozed away in the sling--keeping warm from the wind.
Although we were at the beach 6 days ago in our swimsuits, the weather has become very fall-like around here. The kids hauled around our bag of apples and joyfully picked out every worm-infested and bruised apple that they could find (and a few good ones too!).
Friday, October 2, 2009
Uncle Mat & Aunt Becca
Aunt Becca and Uncle Mat came to meet their new little niece and spend some time with Laney and Elliot. The childless (i.e. well rested!) couple provided fresh faces and lots of new energy. One morning they even ventured out with Laney and Elliot by themselves--no small feat and not for wimps!
We enjoyed their visit and hope to see them again soon!
Naked Time
Delaney and Elliot always loved their baths and Louisa has been no exception. She's super wiggly and nearly wiggles off of the kitchen table during every bath. When she finds one of her fingers to suck on, she's one happy girl!