My kids love their grandparents-and I love it that they love them! It is truly one of my great pleasures as a parent to watch my children enjoy their extended families.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
More Good Times With Grandparents
Saturday, January 30, 2010
We went bowling with the kids for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Quite honestly, I had my doubts---something just seemed wrong about giving Elliot a big, heavy ball and telling him to throw it, but minor mishaps aside, we had a great time. Since Grandma Mimi and Gramps came into town for a long weekend, we decided to go bowling again. First of all, I'm not at all sure if posting a picture of my mother-in-law after she wiped out on the lane is in good taste; however, it was very funny and she had a good sense of humor about it too! Elliot loved it when Grandma Mimi fell, shouting 'Funny Grandma Mimi, funny Grandma Mimi'.
When bowling with a three year old and a two year old, a lot of time is spent watching the ball roll, roll and slowly roll some more down the lane. The kids are really cute and patiently watch the ball each and every time.
After bowling we had lunch at Johny Rockets---cute hats but unbelievably slow service-thank goodness the kids were wonderful and so patient (more patient than the adults!).
Thursday, January 21, 2010
And I'm Back!
I feel good. Really, really good. I feel like my regular self for the first time since Louisa was born. I'm truly enjoying all three of my children and feel like everything is more or less under control (might as well enjoy this feeling while it lasts!). I'm in a good groove with the kids and life is busy but manageable. I'm working out regularly and can fit in all of my 'old' clothes. I even have had a couple nights of decent sleep! Things are going so smoothly that I have started reading a book--now, that's amazing.
In other news.....Laney confuses 'marshmallows' with 'mushrooms'--now, there's something that she needs to get straightened out---big difference, big, big difference. Tonite, she was sipping hot chocolate and asked for a spoon to 'get the mushrooms'.
I overheard Laney telling Elliot that he didn't have 'good nursing breasts'. Interesting....!
Elliot has finally started to watch a little tv. Finally. And I'll admit, it makes my life easier that he will actually sit with Laney for 20 minutes and watch a show while I make dinner.
Elliot has started to blame things on Louisa---he'll run up to me and very seriously tell me that Louisa took one of his trains or pinched him! Laney finds this hilarious.
Elliot's a pretty funny little guy right now. He's often running around half (or completely) naked (he can take off all of his clothes-and I've kind of given up on re-dressing him over and over----he does use the potty when he's naked-so at least he's getting some 'practice'). And he's become quite the little lobbyist---when it's bedtime, he'll argue that he took a 'good, good nap'.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Grandma B and Pepah bought the kids a stamping set for Christmas, and it's been a big hit! Laney loves anything arts-and-crafts, and just recently Elliot has started to really enjoy playing with playdough, markers and paints for a significant period of time.
Of course, Laney and Elliot have different styles!-Laney is super diligent and intent, mixing different colors of paint to make new colors. -Elliot liked the actual 'stamping' part the most--stamping, stamping, stamping every inch of the paper.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Four Month Well Baby Visit
Weezy had her four month well baby visit today. She is:
11 pounds (less than the 3rd percentile)
24 inches (26th percentile)
Happy, healthy and growing---we couldn't ask for more!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Basket Of Love
These two have become the best of buddies-I love it. Yes, there is the daily fighting and random acts of violence (biting, hitting, kicking!), but more than anything, they're best friends. They play together for the majority of the day, laughing and giggling away. They snuggle right next to each other on the couch when they watch tv, sharing a blanket. They look out for each other. I can't imagine one without the other.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Four Months!
Little Louisa is now four months old. Laney asked me if Louisa is still 'new', or if we need a new baby. Yup, still pretty new but getting bigger every day. She's a happy and mellow baby--loves her big brother and big sister. Oh, and she definitely loves me the most (as she should!). She loves kisses on her neck and to hold onto our fingers. I could hold her forever. If I could freeze time, I would-I love this age-so alert, aware and learning something new everyday.
Friday, January 8, 2010
In Other News....
Delaney and Elliot have been best buddies. It's adorable--whoever wakes up first anxiously waits for the other to wake up. If Laney gets a treat, she makes sure that we save some for Elliot. When Laney is put in her room for a time-out, Elliot assures us that 'Laney will listen, Laney will listen'. They certainly have their tiffs and all-out-brawls, but they've been doing a lot more playing than fighting lately--and it's wonderful.
Elliot has two sides to his little personality right now: the 'at home Elliot' and the 'away from home Elliot'. The 'at home Elliot' is crazy--takes off all of his clothes (diaper included!) 20 times a day and jumps up and down on the couch for hours at a time. The 'away from home Elliot' is incredibly shy and clingy. He pretty much attaches himself to my leg and hangs on for dear life---his vulnerability can be literally painful to me.
Laney can almost completely get dressed by herself--she needs helps with her shirts--but can put on her undies, pants, shoes, socks and coat.
Elliot sings to himself all of the time-I love it, LOVE it. He has the sweetest voice and makes up little songs. There's nothing else that I would rather listen to.
Louisa has started blowing bubbles and really 'talking' back and forth with us--it's great. And she's a rolling machine-can roll from her back to her belly in one swift motion! She may be my third child but I swear that watching her grow seems absolutely miraculous to me.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Grandma B & Pepah Visit
Grandma B & Pepah came to visit the week after Christmas. My mom had been out to visit and help us for a couple of weeks in late August / early September, but had to fly back to Pittsburgh on September 9 to start her school year---and guess when Louisa was born--September 9th of course! So-this was the first time that Louisa met her Grandma B and Pepah--I think that she was pretty impressed (and the feelings were mutual!).
Laney and Elliot love, love, love having company--and I'm so glad. They anxiously waited by the door each morning for Grandma B and Pepah to arrive from their hotel. We made a couple of trips to the hotel pool (a big hit), played at an indoor gymnastics place and made a trip to Genoa. We had a great week and it was a wonderful start to 2010.