Monday, March 24, 2008

Going To The Moon

Or to Pittsburgh, PA, but we might as well be taking a trip to the moon. After nearly two months of strategizing about everything from airplane seating to how to unload the babies and luggage from the car, the suitcases are packed and the diaper bags are filled (with Oreos and chocolate Teddy Grahams-bribery!). Delaney, Elliot and I are ready to go to Pittsburgh (with Grandma B's help!). All of us will miss Dave and can't wait for him to join us next week!

So, tomorrow if you should hear about a toddler being removed from a plane for throwing a tantrum.......


schwartznews said...

That's one strapping dad!
- A secret admirer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily, David, Delaney and Eliot,

I LOVE the blog. Daily updates about the 2 most loved grandchildren and their incredible parents.

Good luck on your voyage to Pittsburg. Will you be posting from a remote location or will I have to reread the existing entries until I have them memorized?

Oh, by the way- sent some great ties to David today and there is a lovely belt Mary wanted you to have.

I love you!