Delaney and Elliot have been giving us a run for our money lately. It's been pretty brutal. They fight and fight and fight until I'm pretty sure that I'm going insane. Delaney takes everything that Elliot has, doesn't want him to look at her, touch her or touch any of 'her' stuff. Elliot throws her dolls in the trash, laughing hysterically, and repeatedly tackles her to the ground.
On the 'good' side of things, we left the kids with a babysitter on Saturday night and they did great; we went out with friends and had a really nice time. It was really nice to have some adult time.
Delaney was a wreck all afternoon and evening--tantrums, tantrums, tantrums. It's frustrating because she had more tantrums yesterday, than she's had in the past two months. At bedtime, Delaney threw herself out of her crib-onto the hardwood floors---nice, huh? She's a little bruised but basically fine. I had been hoping to keep her in her crib until she went to college, but apparently, her crib days are very limited.
This morning Elliot learned how to open the oven door as well as turn the stove and oven on. Great.
I'm so frazzled and frustrated. I keep telling myself-Patience, patience, patience.
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