Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spooner Lake

We headed to Spooner Lake this morning for a 'big adventure hike' (as Delaney said repeatedly throughout the day!). It was quite the adventure--the hike itself was a little over 2 miles but with two toddlers, just getting to the trailhead was a hike.

The kids were wonderful--they love being outdoors and exploring and Delaney had TONS of questions--Why is this / that here? What is this / that? Why is this flower yellow? Why is this rock big? What is this plant doing here?--She was quite the chatterbox. Elliot had a brief scuffle with a giant pinecone---he tried to squoosh it with his foot (he tries to smoosh or squoosh just about everything these days-but the pinecone was about as big as his little leg), and flipped over the pinecone, doing a somersault, and landing in the dirt, but it didn't seem to bother him one bit.

Laney and Elliot have a ridiculous amount of energy right now---after the hike, they 'rested' in the car (didn't sleep but kind of zoned out) for the 20 or 30 minute drive and then were ready to go, go, go when we got home.

Dave has this week off from work-it's the first vacation that he's had off since Delaney has been born that we're going to 'stay home' and not travel, and I'm soooo looking forward to it. We definitely got our little vacation off to a good start today!


Keri said...

thanks emily for your kind words of encouragement. Man life hasnt gotten crazy since baby Spencers been walking. I think its just cause im in a new adjustment period. trying to adapt to three very younge active kids. I love them to pieces and am grateful for the good that lies hidden in those days that are so hard. I love how you guys get out and hike and enjoy nature as a family. Man you sure have your hands full and will have them even fuller here in a little while. but there is not greater feeling thatn just being outdoors and letting your kids run wild and discover new things. hope youre feeling good.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the description of your hiking adventure and the kids explorations. Happy home vacation! May it be full of lots of treats.
Grandma Mimi