Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ten Months!

Elliot is ten months old today. In a number of ways, I can't believe that he's already nearing his first birthday, but I also feel like he's been a part of our family forever, and I certainly can't imagine life without this little boy. He is absolutely delicious. He warms my heart and makes me smile every hour of every day. He's curious and so patiently persistent. He is smiles and smiles, hugs and slobbery kisses.

This was a particularly chaotic week. Daddy went on a short trip and was super busy at work, so the babies and I were on our own for much of the week. And it was hectic-we had fun play dates, outings at the park, LOTS of walks in the stroller and a whole lot of temper tantrums.

Yesterday, we hosted our first play date here in Carson City. It was crazy and Delaney had a tough time sharing some of her toys and had a complete and absolute meltdown-worthy of a time-out. So-it was stressful. But the other mommies were wonderful-no one asked if I needed 'help' (my ultimate pet-peeve--it's like, what exactly do you think that you can do to make this situation better??) and no one said 'oh, should we leave?' (which just would have been embarrassing); everyone just looked the other way and kept playing.

While it was difficult, Delaney ultimately needs to 'practice' sharing and calming herself down, so we'll definitely host another play date soon (but not too soon!). And Elliot had a wonderful time, trying to keep up with the 'big kids', eating snacks and buddying up to other 'babies' (everything is relative when all of your guests are under the age of 2 1/2!).


Keri said...

I am so sorry emily i couldnt have come to your play date. I would have definitely helped you out. that bugs me too. Its just my nature to think of others im sorry your kids were crazy but like you said it was a new experience for them elliots getting older and daddy has been really busy this week. so all those combined can make crabby kids....been there done that.

The Maren's said...

Sounds like a blast, wish we could have come! Matty and Lexi are excited to see Laney and Elliot. We talk about it daily and I keep telling Lexi that In San Francisco you are not allowed to have temper tantrums---we'll see how that goes, hahaha!